Last week, on 16 May 2023, the Swedish Government presented a legislative bill on foreign direct investments (the FDI Act) to the Swedish Parliament. The FDI Act, which is suggested to enter into force on 1 December 2023 significantly expands the Government’s current powers to scrutinize foreign inv...
Sweden is one of the few EU Member States which does not have a stand-alone foreign direct investment (“FDI”) regime. This is about to change. On 16 March 2023, the Swedish Government presented a draft legislative bill on foreign direct investments (the FDI Act). The FDI Act, which is suggested to e...
In this blog post, we take a closer look at the merger control year of 2022 in Sweden and the cases that caught the Swedish Competition Authority’s (“SCA”) attention.
2022 in numbers
In 2022, the SCA received 117 merger filings. While this was a slight decrease compared to the record breaking 135 no...
The Swedish Government has recently adopted a Governmental Bill with a proposal of how the European Accessibility Directive, adopted in 2019, is to be transposed into Swedish law. The new rules require that certain key products, such as computers, smartphones, ATMs, ticketing and check-in machines,...
The area of EU and competition law is in constant motion. Both the EU legislators and courts make sure that this field of law is developing at high speed. It is therefore becoming increasingly difficult to keep up to date with the latest developments in this area. At the same time, many of these dev...
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