Tech Blog

Amerikansk domstol kräver ut molndata från europeiska servrar, del 3

Som vi tidigare skrivit om här på bloggen pågår en process i amerikansk domstol där Microsoft har ålagts lämna ut ett e-mail som lagrats på en server på Irland (läs första inlägget här och fortsättningen här).

Igår bad Irlands dataskyddsminister, Dara Murphy, Kommissionen att inge ett utlåtande i målet.

I samband med begäran har ministern gjort följande uttalande:

 “A case involving Microsoft that is currently before the US courts has raised important issues between the respective legal regimes in the European Union and the United States, particularly in relation to the protection of personal data. The case in question has given rise to a degree of legal uncertainty and the outcome could have potentially serious implications for data protection in the EU. By seeking direct access to data held in the EU through the US judicial system, existing legal mechanisms for mutual assistance between jurisdictions may be being effectively bypassed. There are fundamental issues at stake here as regards the protection of personal data that is held within the European Union. This is clearly an area where technological advances have taken place in a very rapid fashion. The right to privacy should be afforded maximum protection whilst ensuring that law enforcement agencies have the necessary mechanisms at their disposal to effectively fight serious crime. This is made ever more complex when different juridictions are involved, especially given the ease with which data can be transferred. It is within this context, that I urge the Commission to consider the arguments that Microsoft are making with respect to this case. Ireland, the EU and the US have excellent relations with respect to cooperation on criminal matters. Our ambition to prevent, detect and prosecute crime is unwarvering. However, when it comes to the transfer of personal data, it is vital that we get the process right.”

Det återstår att se om Kommissionen kommer att gå den irländska ministern tillmötes. Redan i juni skrev dock dåvarande kommissionären Vivianne Reding, i ett svar på en fråga från den holländska europaparlamentarikern Sophia in’t Veld, att kommissionen anser att begäran om utlämnande av information över gränserna bör göras genom gängse samarbetsavtal mellan länderna och inte riktas direkt mot innehavaren. I brevet framgick även att frågan tagits upp med den amerikanska regeringen.