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Rapport från veckans möte i Rådet

Tidigare i veckan hölls ett möte i Rådet där diskussioner bland annat fördes om förslaget till dataskyddsförordning. Efter mötet publicerade Rådet ett pressmeddelande där de olika mötesdiskussionerna beskrivs. Så här beskrivs Rådets diskussion kring den kommande dataskyddsförordningen:

Data Protection Regulation
The Council held a policy debate on certain issues relating to the proposal for a regulation setting out a general EU framework for data protection. Ministers broadly supported the draft provisions as regards the territorial scope of the regulation and confirmed the understanding that international transfers of personal data to third countries should take place on the basis of key principles contained in chapter V of the draft regulation. Ministers agreed that more technical work will need to be done on important aspects of this chapter and that the question of alternative models for international data transfer will need to be studied in depth. The Council confirmed that the work will continue at a technical level on the basis of the progress achieved so far on: pseudonymisation as an element of the risk-based approach, portability of personal data for the private sector and obligations of controllers and processors. Whilst a majority of delegations appeared to be of the opinion that the scope of the profiling provision in the future regulation should, like the current Directive 95/46/EC, limit itself to regulating automated decision-making that has legal effects or significantly affects individuals, some other delegations pleaded in favour of specific provisions on profiling. Work at a technical level should therefore continue on that basis.

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